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General Yoga Classes
Not sure what class to take? Schedule a phone consultation with Celeste to choose a class that meets your needs via our contact us page here. You can also check out our chart on how to pick a class here: 
Flow (All-levels)

This class is Celeste's offering as passed down by her teacher Karen.  This class is a balance of form and flow; with standing, balance postures, & some sun salutations.  It begins with a guided mediation, moves through the sequence in a slower flow with opportunity to refine alignment, and ends with a blissful Savasana (final relaxation).  Classes are an opportunity to go deep and explore; to create introspection and mindfulness. 


There is some repetition in sequencing which allows you to get out of your head and into your body sensations and the flow of your experience. It includes both Sanskrit and English terms. This all-levels class includes alignment, some props, and many options which make it appropriate for anyone, from beginner to advanced, wishing to have Yoga practice. We work on the same sequence for four weeks and then change it. This gives participants both variety and feeling progression in the poses.

Somatic Slow (All-Levels)

This therapeutic yoga class is designed to address the increasingly stressful lives of our modern society by calming & downregulating our nervous system; classes focus on cultivating safety & ease through our soma (body). We explore gentle yoga, yoga nidra (sleep), yin, restorative, pranayama (breath work), mediation, somatic exercises, & therapy ball rolling.


In gentle poses we illicit a healing response & relieve tension in the body & we move in a mediative way. Yoga Nidra is a guided meditative self- inquiry exploring the koshas (layers of being), it releases negative emotions and thought patterns & calms the nervous system.  In yin yoga we practice longer held (2-5 minutes) passive stretches; poses are low to the ground, generally seated or supine. We focus on putting stress on the connective tissues such as the ligaments, joints, fascia, & tendons of the hips, pelvis, sacrum, & spine in order to build range of motion.  In restorative yoga we create nests of props to rest deeply & illicit a healing response in our body. Therapy ball rolling is like a deep pressure massage to sooth sore muscles. Somatic exercises may include grounding, orienting, resourcing, & more!


This class is suitable for all levels and those seeking or needing deep relaxation & restoration. It will assist you to rediscover your essential wholeness & interconnection with all of life by opening your mind & body to its inherent health, regulation, & well-being.  

Yin (All-Levels)

In yin yoga we practice longer held (2-5 minutes) passive stretches; poses are low to the ground, generally seated or supine. We focus on putting stress on the connective tissues such as the ligaments, joints, fascia, and tendons of the hips, pelvis, sacrum, and spine in order to build range of motion. This class allows you to turn inward, observe, and move qi through the meridians of the body. We end with the soothing balm of Savasana.

Yoga Takes a Hike (All-Levels)

This class runs during our summer schedule. Join a group of nature and Yoga enthusiasts! We meet at the Cosmo Lodge at Little Red Park to hike one of the trails followed by a Yoga practice led by Celeste. This is a great opportunity to connect with others, nature, and yourself through your Yoga! Please dress in layers, bring your mat, a water bottle, and blanket.

Life-Cycle Yoga Programs
Lifecycle Programs

Mata Prenatal Yoga (All-Levels & Trimesters)

“Mata” is a word for “mother” in Sanskrit and is pronounced “maah taah”. We honour mothers by designing a class specifically for mamas-to-be in any of the three trimesters. This class combines a gentle yoga practice focused on opening and accepting, with meditation to prepare for your birth.  Asana (poses) will help relax, open, and tone the physical body with special attention being paid to the pelvic floor. Every class ends with a guided relaxation.  Each class addresses emotions, thoughts, or beliefs to prepare for your upcoming birth. This class is suitable for mamas-to-be who are beginner to advanced Yoga practitioners.

Mama & Baby (Mamas 4 to 6 Weeks Post-Partum)
This class is designed especially for moms and babies to stretch, bond, and breathe in a supportive environment. Strengthen your post-partum, sleep-deprived body with yoga poses and practices. This is a time for mamas and babies to form attachment through touch, movement and massage. The class holds space for time with your baby, either wearing baby, holding baby in your arms, leaning against your leg, sitting in your lap or resting on a blanket or in a car seat. Also open to dads and mothers 4 weeks post-delivery or 6 weeks post-caesarian. Please have your doctor’s permission before starting. Please bring a blanket for baby.

Tiny Yogis Parent Tot Yoga (Ages 18 months to Preschool)

We know parenting little people is joyful but can be hard work; family life is so busy! Take this special time in the serene environment of the studio to connect with your little through mindfulness, games, breathing, and movement. The class is also fun, engaging, and inherently therapeutic. You’ll even (hopefully) get a chance to relax in a sweet, cuddly savasana (relaxation) with your tiny yogi. Caregivers or grandparents are also welcome. No prior Yoga experience is necessary.

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© 2019 Tapestry Yoga   |  Prince Albert, Sk.  |   Email Us   |          306.981.5027

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